There's Balance in Christianity.


There is balance in Christianity. 

There’s so much picking and choosing. We want our idea of Jesus instead of all of who He REALLY is. Too many opinions and not enough looking towards the word of God. Read 2 Timothy 4:3. 

You have religious folk who show no grace, love, or kindness. All they care about is telling people they’re going to hell. We all know them; not very kind, judgmental, and think that their works can get them to heaven. 

And then we have the lukewarm people who have no moral conviction, take advantage of grace, and choose which part of the Bible the want to adhere to. Which part makes them comfortable. The “God forgives anyway”, “only God can judge me”, “I got time to get right”, “God knows my heart” but continue living the same way kinda folk. Anytime you try to give the truth they call it judgement instead of yielding to the Holy Spirit. (Read Revelation 3:15-16.)

This has been grieving me for a while. Christians have become too comfortable. Too picky and choosy with the Bible. So offended by everything. 

The spirit of offense is of the flesh. This generation is the most offended generation in history and I believe that is why we struggle the most. Hardened hearts are hard to reach. 

Imagine if the people who were healed/delivered by Jesus got offended every time he spoke truth to them. There would be no growth, no deliverance, no being set free, no healing. 

I get on social media and see just a mess in the body of Christ. 

We are obligated to love people and be kind, it’s not optional. We give grace. We humble ourselves because we are above no one. We are patient. We are gentle. BUT.. don’t forget the part where we are also called to speak the truth, to obey, to surrender to God, to correct one another when we see them stumbling, to give warning, and judge righteously. Proverbs 31:9 says “Open your mouth, judge righteously.” Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” John 7:25. 

God is full of both equally. He does love His children, forgives, gives grace, and is patient. But is also a God of justice, correction, truth, judgment, and wrath. There’s things he hates. And if the Bible tells us that we were created in the image of God we look like all of Him. 

When you miss on either side, you miss out on God as a whole. 

And more importantly, the people we’re supposed to be reaching see nothing but confusion from the outside looking in. There’s blood on your hands. 

Know your God. 

We talk about being “Fully Known”
How about us fully knowing Jesus Christ?

If you’re ONLY spreading this loving and accepting version of God without the truth of His word, without correction, without warning, without speaking truth then you reach the lost but they get no deliverance and experience no growth spiritually. How will anybody truly be set free from their bondage if all you care about is Gods love without His truth? 

Ask yourself, do you really love someone if you’re not telling them the truth? 

It isn't easy but we are commanded to do all of these things.

We preach both. We accept both. We live in both. 

In spirit and in truth.


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