About Me

                                            Welcome to my Blog! Thank you for being here. 

My name is Sunny. My real name is Sundra, but I prefer Sunny. People started calling me Sunny in 7th grade and it just kind of stuck. I am 24 years old years young from Greenville, South Carolina. I married the love of my life almost three years ago and am loving every bit of marriage. I'm a full time photographer and absolutely ADORE it!

I started this blog April 4th, 2018 as an outlet to express myself and share my journey with people! After I got saved I had this zeal that couldn't be contained. Looking back at my blogs from then to now I can really see the lack of wisdom I had and where I was in life, but its cool to be able to look back on. I came across some other bloggers in the instagram space at that time and saw that blogging was a thing so that what encouraged me to start my own. Writing is something that I've always enjoyed and appreciated. Its always been an outlet for me through journaling or just writing long instagram captions etc.
The word of God tells us we overcome the enemy by word of our testimony, so that's what I'm here to do. Share my faith, testimonies, lifestyle, and whatever else the Lord leads me to. 

I have a YouTube Channel you can subscribe to as well. 

Hope you stay tuned!


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