Ya snooze Ya loose


Yesterday morning I woke up late. Like, late late. You know when you fall back asleep after the "just five more minutes” thought and you wake up and KNOW you overslept? You don’t even have to look at the time.

I panicked. 

I’m still trying to adjust to this new schedule I have, so when I heard my alarm go off I clicked “stop” instead of “snooze." I thought it was an early alarm I forgot to turn off from the weekend. I woke up less than ten minutes before the start of my shift. On my way to work I was on the highway speeding and then I thought “Well, I have a 5 minute grace period” so I slowed down. Am I the only one who sometimes thinks “I’m already late so I might as well be extra late?" I was rushing so bad that I didn't stop and look at the time, but I had missed the grace period. 

I felt the Holy Spirit speak so loudly to me when I began slowing down. He said “Sundra, that is how people's hearts' and attitudes are towards their relationship with me.” He said we take God's grace for granted. A lot of people say “I need to get right with God” and never get to it. They make it a goal to get to some day. You see it as resolutions every year. They keep hitting the snooze button on Jesus. Some people hit stop altogether like I did that morning on my alarm. We slow down because we think we have time. The reality is, we don’t know when our last day is. People are going to sleep and not waking up. People, especially us young ones, are dying every single day. They leave here without experiencing the love of God. They never get to know Him. Not able to repent, which just means to turn. Turn away from your ways. If Jesus came back today, who can say they’re ready and truly accepted Him? Would you wake up in a panic? These are the questions that aren't asked because it's uncomfortable to think about. This life is only a grace period. Jesus came so that we may have LIFE and have it abundantly (John 10:10). He came to give us hope, peace, joy, love while we live on this earth. And there’s nowhere to find these things outside of Him.

Anything that feels like it is a counterfeit. 

He came so that we know what it looks like to live righteously, to live with him in  love, with holiness, with obedience, with discipline, with faith, and in relation with Him. Intimate relation. Not a Bible quote in ya bio, a 5 minute prayer, or a tattooed scripture on your arm that you don't really live by. Read Matthew 15:8. He gives us plenty of time to get it right. He gives us warnings and signs. Why wait if you can have Him now? Now is the most important time to get close to Him. As the world is falling apart, we have the Almighty, Sovereign God to hold onto. As the world gets darker, our world becomes brighter when we cling to the Lord.

Surrendering your life to Him is the best decision you will ever make for yourself and for your life. I know living with holiness (being set apart) doesn’t always feel doable. BUT, the reward from obedience is worth it. Your soul is worth it. To wake up in His presence and have assurance that I’m covered by the blood of Jesus, I’m taken care of regardless of what's going on, and I’m loved + accepted. I get to be sure of that because I know that blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it (Luke 11:28). When I'm walking with him, no weapon formed against me will prosper. My prayer is for you to experience this. Your relationship with Him is not something you want to “get to later." His grace is the greatest gift we have. Your relationship with him is not something "to get right with." He came so that he can get you right. For your good and His glory. Our lives are too precious to Him for us to live as if we live twice.  If you keep hitting snooze, the enemy knows you’ll never get to it. When I was going down that highway thinking I might as well be extra late God reminded me that, unfortunately, that mindset causes people to experience "too late." And that's a terrifying place to be. Don't allow the enemy to trick you into thinking "I've already gone too far so I might as well keep going." That is a lie straight from the pits of hell. It’s time to stop sleeping and wake up. Don't hit snooze on the most important relationship you'll ever have. Don't miss the grace period. The only regret that comes from having a relationship with God is not ever having one at all. If you snooze, you lose. 

What I love about this revelation He gave me is that it's so relevant for these times. A lot of people have gone astray for various reasons. But, people who do have that relationship with Him would be doing a disservice to the world by experiencing it and not share it. To be enlightened by truth and not spread it.

My prayer for you today is for you to surrender your life to Jesus. All parts of it. I pray that you find the strength to submit. I pray that he pours his spirit onto you and you feel His love and peace like never before. I pray in the name of Jesus, for the chains to be loosed from you. I pray that the Lord cover you and keep you. I pray He heal you from anxiety, depression, addiction, lust, that toxic relationship, comparison, brokenness. I bind each and every one of those spirits. I pray that you have a fire for the Lord like never before and never look back. I pray for his supernatural power to renew your heart and mind. I pray that hardened hearts towards Him are softened. I pray that unbelievers be touched in way that's undeniable. I declare healing over your life. I declare breakthrough. I declare clarity. May God's grace and mercy be upon you, love. 

In Jesus Name, 


Scriptures for reference: 

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

2 Thessalonians 3:3

Titus 3:1-11 

Isaiah 41:10

John 12:25-26

Psalm 91

Psalm 34:19

Psalm 23

Mark 8:34-38


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