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Is my lack of submission hindering my husband from being a good leader?

God is teaching me a lot about submission. He keeps dropping these little nuggets about why I should be submitting and the importance of my role in submitting to my husband. I wanted to write this blog to share with other wives. Before I get into what I've been learning I just encourage us to not have hardened hearts and clinched butt cheeks towards this subject, but really lean into the Father's heart about this. I notice sometimes when the topic of submission arises some can tend to have the mindset of "well what about the husband's part in this?" My focus is on the wives today.  I've been humbled by this simple realization: My husband can't lead well if I don't first learn to submit well. What if a lack of submission was what was preventing my husband from growing as a leader?   I've seen the fruit of what not submitting does to my marriage, so when the Lord rebukes me I don't give pushback because I understand. The Lord has been highlighti

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